What is MSSD?

MSSD is short for Mega Super Springsteen Day, and it is one single day when all official studio albums with Bruce Springsteen are listened to, non-stop,
with an American theme during the whole day. The first MSSD was held the 9th of March 2002, and this is now an annual happening every year in March!
We hope you enjoy the show! We sure do!

Today it is ()


The idea came up in February 2002 when Fredrik and Mattias were (as usual) discussing Bruce and his music. Mattias said that they some time had to listen through all the official studio albums, and in one single day. Fredrik said "that would be cool!", and so the project was started. Fredrik later came up with the name of the day, and Mattias with the abbreviation.

Useful information

Album times
Release dates
List of songs

Yearly Group Photos

Yearly Group Photos

Yearly Beer Roster

Yearly Beer Roster

Yearly locations

Yearly locations

Contact us at mssd@mssd.se